A recent viral video has been circulating the internet involving a martial arts instructor and what looks to be a bodybuilder going at it hard in a gym. At first glance, it seems like a typical dojo storm scenario. An untrained individual believing they could beat anyone and challenging someone at a martial arts gym to prove his superiority. What usually happens next is the instructor skillfully handles the situation, and makes the individual give up or tap out. Then he gives him a pep talk on the importance of being humble, fist bump and life goes on.
Except in this video, the instructor continues to re-apply chokes even after the individual taps out on multiple occasions. To make matters worse, the instructor starts punching and stomping on the individuals head as he lays on the ground helplessly.
Netizen have since called out the instructor online to ask his side of the altercation, especially since there is not enough video evidence to justify his actions.
Here is the full video:
Fortunately, a BJJ website has been able to get the inside scoop from the gym where the incident took place. Chute Boxe academy in Sierra Vista, Arizona, has since released a statement on the incident. (Source: bjj-world.com)

“Thank you for giving us the opportunity to add context to this video.
To begin, this incident happened approximately four years ago and at no time was this an “Old School BJJ Challenge”, as suggested in your article. This was a conflict settled between two consenting adults in a non-public setting.
The incident began while the Jiu-Jitsu professor was leaving a nearby supermarket. Without warning the aggressor punched the Jiu-Jitsu professor in the back of the head from behind.
When the instructor confronted the assaultive individual by asking why he punched him, the individual stated that he had mistaken him for someone else. Then for no apparent reason, the individual started acting belligerent and shouting vulgarities in public.
He then claimed that he was a professional MMA fighter and began threatening the instructor, saying he was going to beat him up. It is very important to point out that the instructor had never met this individual prior to this encounter.
The Jiu-Jitsu professor informed the individual that he too was a professional fighter and that he was an MMA instructor at a gym in town. So as not to disturb the public, the instructor offered to settle this the issue at the nearby gym and the angry individual accepted the invitation
The edited video that was posted on YouTube and shared via various social media platforms only shows the last five minutes of the fight. This altercation however lasted approximately 30 minutes as both professional fighters exchanged kicks and punches from both sides.
Although not seen in the video, the individual who originally attacked the Jiu-Jitsu professor landed some hard strikes that injured the instructor, cutting his face and injuring his leg. As a response, the instructor took the fight to the ground and reverted back to his old training of Vale Tudo fighting with Chute Boxe Brazil.
Surely the viewers of this video will form their own opinion for good or bad as it relates to combative sports. Regardless of any indifference, the Jiu-Jitsu professor shown in the video is a very well-mannered, friendly, and respected practitioner who teaches respect and humility to his students. He is well-liked and continually serves his community in countless ways.
This video was never intended for public distribution and was released without consent or permission. Chute Boxe maintains this video is personal property and is subject to copyright rules and regulations. It is with the respect that we rightfully request this video and all pertaining content be removed from your website.
With appreciation,
Chute Boxe Staff”
If you want to read the original article, click on this link.