If you are a little undecided about what type of sparring headgear you should get, take our short 5-question quiz below to get your answer!
[viralQuiz id=2]
If you already know what type of headgear you want, take a look at our review of the different types of sparring headgear below!
[thrive_link color=’blue’ link=’http://mmalife.com/7-best-open-face-headgears/’ target=’_self’ size=’medium’ align=’full’]Open Face Headgear[/thrive_link]
[thrive_link color=’blue’ link=’http://mmalife.com/7-best-headgears-with-cheek-protectors/’ target=’_self’ size=’medium’ align=’full’]Cheek Protector Headgear[/thrive_link]

[thrive_link color=’blue’ link=’http://mmalife.com/7-best-face-saver-headgears/‘ target=’_self’ size=’medium’ align=’full’]Face-Saver Headgear[/thrive_link]