Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is one of the most effective grappling martial arts that is sweeping the world by storm. Due to its huge success in Mixed Martial Arts, mainly the UFC, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu gyms can be found almost anywhere and everywhere. Getting to blackbelt in 2021 is way easier than it was back 20 years ago.
Nonetheless, it still takes a lot of time and dedication to become a master of this martial art. The average time it takes to get to blackbelt in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is seven to ten years. This makes BJJ the most difficult martial art to get your black belt in, especially since most practitioners already quit at blue belt.
You will need both stamina and mental fortitude if you want to become any good at BJJ. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Losing is an integral part of your success. The more you lose, the bigger the chance to improve and learn from your mistakes. No one starts out a champion in this sport. You have to learn to let go of your ego and let all the mistakes guide you in the direction to perfection.
But what happens if you take a beginner and you throw him to the wolves from day one? Imagine Multiple training sessions a day, every day for 30 days. And this is someone who has yet to perfect the shrimp or the sprawl.
Youtuber Laurie Shaw makes it his mission to learn all he can in a span of one month as he takes on the challenge of learning Brazilian Jiu-jitsu for thirty days straight and seeing how he fares against higher-ranked opponents. Do you think he will be able to tap out a blackbelt at the end of the training cycle? Watch the video below to find out: