25 BJJ Black Belts Give Advice On The Road To Getting Your Black Belt

The road to getting your black belt is a long and tedious one. Many fail and quit as early as blue belt, and few actually stay to go any further. Everyone has to start out somewhere, and it is good to set goals, especially in a sport like this. You have to be a different kind of crazy to want to get beat up day after day to inch yourself closer to attaining that black belt.


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31 BJJ Blackbelts And Their Advice On How To Get Good At Jiu-Jitsu

Every jiu-jitsu practitioner wants to get good at jiu-jitsu. You want to be able to learn, train, and spar with the hopes of one day actually realizing you’re pretty decent at jiu-jitsu. Well, it is easier said than done, that’s for sure!

Don’t worry, we got you covered. We are here to present you with a list of 31 BJJ black belts and their advice on how to get good at Jiu-jitsu.

These tips are either direct quotes or paraphrased directly from primary sources (the black belts themselves).


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