Previously, MMA Life posted an article titled “How to Keep Your Boxing Gloves from Smelling.” It provided tips for cleaning your boxing gloves and listed several helpful products to dry out the moisture within your gloves and deodorize it. This article will review my personal experience with using Glovestix to effectively remove the odor from my boxing gloves.
Effective in neutralizing odor
Versatile - Can be use for products other than boxing gloves
Simple and easy to use
Long lasting durable item
Requires replacement of deodorizer bag inserts
- Price
Glovestix Review after Usage
Product Design
The Glovestix is designed to absorb moisture and deodorize an assortment of items ranging from shoes to all types of sport related gloves. It has a couple of unique features that allows it to eliminate odors without using harmful chemicals. Each Glovestix package comes with two sticks that are connected to each other by a sturdy paracord. Two deodorizer inserts are also included.
Silver Seal Technology - Glovestix’s description states that they infused silver ions into the plastic material of their sticks. Silver ions are supposed to have antimicrobial properties for stopping bacteria growth.
Deodorizer Bags - A deodorizer bag is inserted into each stick after you twist off their end caps. The deodorizer bags’ purpose is to speed up the moisture drying process. The Glovestix company recommends replacing the deodorizer bags every 3-4 months of use.

Personal Experience
I originally bought my Glovestix from Amazon for $30. My decision to buy a glove deodorizer occurred when I noticed the odor from my boxing gloves were getting stronger. I waited too long before implementing a consistent glove cleaning routine. Using Lysol disinfectant wipes to clean the boxing gloves’ interior was not eliminating the smell. I chose the Glovestix over other options because of its positive reviews and unique features.
I have used the Glovestix for over a year. The picture below shows them being used to deodorize my Reevo RXR boxing gloves. The company recommends that you insert the Glovestix immediately after class and leave the sticks inside the selected item whenever it is not being utilized. If you want to be extra careful, I would recommend cleaning the glove thoroughly before inserting the Glovestix. To maximize its effectiveness and increase the air circulation for drying out the gloves, I make sure to adjust my boxing gloves’ opening to be as large as possible and to peel back the wrist straps.

The Glovestix has done a wonderful job of keeping my Reevo RXR smelling clean. I was extremely impressed that it eliminated the original odor that was emitting from my boxing gloves. Upon removing the Glovestix and sniffing the glove’s interior, no odors were detectable other than a light scent that matches the aroma from the deodorizer bag.